Founded in 2002, Bewith is one of the newest car audio makers. Our mission is to inherit the dreams left unfulfilled by past audio technology and to brilliantly realize them. The high-end car audio field seems to be fully matured, but in actuality we have pushed the unfinished technology frontier forward through our unmatched PPC (Polar Pattern Control) speaker technology and digital processing technology. The absence of orthodox, nostalgic, typical car audio products in the Bewith lineup expresses our mission to go beyond car audio the way no one has before.
To achieve the most basic form of highest audio performance, sometimes overwhelming volume is necessary. As a brand for the true enthusiast, Bewith is able to provide total responsive power in all conditions through the use of monaural power amplifiers, power supply regulators, the scalable digital processor and other products, all designed for flexible system expansion. Our aim is to deliver sound enjoyment you’ve never experienced before with products that go beyond the categories of car audio and home audio. A new type of Super HiFi that makes no excuses for being installed in a car — this is the car audio ideal conceived by Bewith.
A proper installation (both installing and tuning the components), optimized for the type of vehicle and system layout is indispensable for drawing out the innate performance of car audio components. Bewith quickly achieved immediate visualization of installation, a process which had formerly relied on experience and intuition, by instituting a proprietary sound quality guarantee program based on the SIEG® measurement system for in-vehicle acoustics. We have built a reputation as “the brand that outputs its response through sound” through tie-ups with distributors who endorse our purpose. With the aim of completely satisfying all customers who place their faith in the Bewith mark, we are committed to continually improving installation quality.